Seventeen West (1West)
Seventeen West (1West) likes count
Seventeen West (1West) dislikes count
0 dislikes
Seventeen West (1West) views count
Seventeen West (1West) measures count
12 measures
Seventeen West (1West) notes count
58 notes
Seventeen West (1West) spotify track popularity
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Track artist(s)
Album info
Heathers the Musical (Original West End Cast Recording)
Release date : 2019-03-01
Music genre(s)
Published on Play that sheet : 2022-03-16 15:05:09
This musicXML track has only one instrument. It seems it is a solo piece.
This musicXML track is not a detailed music sheet. It is a simple leadsheet to give you an overview of the track melody and rythm so that you can improvise on it.